2022 M&A activity is still on track to surpass 2021's total deal volume. This is still the best time ever to sell a software company. When will the window close?

For analysis of the current tech M&A market, join us for our Quarterly Tech M&A update. Corum's research team will walk through valuation metrics in all six tech sectors and 29 subsectors, plus look at the key deals and trends from across the market. Which sectors are getting the highest valuations? What kinds of companies are acquirers after? Which disruptive technology trends are driving deals in your sector?

 Plus, a special report from Corum CEO Bruce Milne, "Insider Secrets for Greater M&A Success."

Corum's Tech M&A Monthly is a regular webcast series for software company owners, executives and CEOs. Each month, Corum Group, the world's leading M&A firm for software and related technology companies, examines the world of Tech M&A. In addition, Tech M&A Monthly includes special reports on buyers, markets and the M&A process itself. This thirty-minute webcast is a must for owners and CEOs considering Tech M&A, whether now or in the future.