Last week, having just finished our M&A panel FEST UP, Corum was interviewed by Expansión -- Spain’s largest business journal. The article praises Spain’s recent recovery efforts and the tremendous growth in their technology and innovation sectors. Much of this growth has been fueled by a 3-prong approach:

  1. Government incentives and funding for entrepreneurs and research labs
  2. Top-rated educational institutes, like IESE and IE for business, and UPC & UPV for engineering, have been producing great volumes of young talent
  3. Current economic conditions allow entrepreneurs to live a comfortable lifestyle while building a company at significantly reduced costs from European standards

This last point is particularly important and has been the subject of my previous blog post: The New Nearshore

In all, Expansión was excited that Corum chose Barcelona to build on our European expansion program. In analyzing the Southern European markets, we assess that roughly 65% of the companies we believe to be “Global Market Ready” are currently based in Barcelona. Add to that, the ability to help support our LATAM clients -- like, Inffinix -- and our choice was clear: Join the Barcelona Tech Ecosystem.

Dougan Milne in Expansión